better …. working within a strong team!!

better …. working within a strong team!!

Here at better, we pride ourselves on being a strong team.  There are several reasons why we have become this tight-knit and formidable team but by and large it is because we care about each other.

better provides excellent customer service and exceptional products because of our team.

So why are we successful and strong?

We talk to each other

We communicate openly with each other, sharing our thoughts, opinions and as well as taking into consideration what others have to say.

Focus on goals & results

We agree on and set goals based on outcomes and results, rather than just on the amount of work being done. We have a clear path of what we want to achieve and how we are going to reach the target.

Everyone contributes

Each member of our team contributes their fair share of the workload and fully understand what their responsibilities are and where they fit in within better. They feel a sense of belonging to the team, are committed to their work and really care about the success of the company.

Give each other support

The better team are always happy to assist and support each other in all situations.

Diverse team

Everyone in our team is unique and will be able to offer their own experiences and knowledge that others may not possess. Diversity is needed so that all of the required skills are covered by somebody in our team. A variety of personalities, age groups, cultures, bring creativity and a broad range of ideas to the better team.

Good leadership

Our team is strong due to the trust and respect they hold for our MD. Rob essentially works as the glue holding our team together and sets the pace, offers encouragement and motivation and keeps all members of the team updated.


Organisation is essential for the smooth running of our team. We hold regular meetings which ensures all of the team is on the same page.


Here at better, we have fun! We laugh at ourselves and each other!  Without this element when workload is chaotic and difficult we wouldn’t get through without each other. It shouldn’t be all work and no play!

b……bright  e… enthusiastic  t…. talented  t….trustworthy  e…. effervescent  r….reliable

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